Today, Im going to show you exactly how to use content marketing to get more traffic, more social shares, more backlinks and most important of all more customers. In fact, these are the same strategies and techniques that I used to get two million people to visit my site. Last year, so if you want to get better results from your content, youll love, this step-by-step guide lets dive right in when I launched my first blog way back in 2009, Ive read the same advice again and again. You know the stuff Im talking about published short 500 word.
Blog posts make sure to keep your blog, updated with fresh content, and you need to publish a new post at least once a week that stuff mightve works back in 2018, but it doesnt work today. In fact, I grew my blog into one of the most popular marketing blogs on the planet by doing the exact opposite of what these so-called experts recommend, instead of short blog posts, I only publish long-form comprehensive guides. Instead of keeping my site updated with fresh content, I only publish a new post every four to six weeks and instead of
Publishing something because its Tuesday, I only release content if its world-class stuff with that lets get into the specific steps, starting with step number one find a proven topic. Your first step is to find a topic, but not just any topic, a topic with a proven track record heres exactly how to do it first check out content from one of your competitors. Thats done really well, in other words, go to a competing blog and keep an eye out for posts that have lots of social shares comments or both, for example, Im in the SEO niche and one of
My main competitors is Moz calm and a while back. I was looking through some of their latest content and I noticed that blog posts about site audits tended to do really well. So I created a post called the ultimate SEO site audit and because this post was based on a proven topic, it quickly racked up social shares and backlinks plus my new post ranks on the first page for my target keyword. Next, look at podcasts in your industry.
This is just like the approach we just talked about, but instead of looking at your competitors blogs, you look at other guests, so if one of your competitors has a podcast and lets face it, who doesnt these days check out their episode list on iTunes? This can reveal some amazing topics that you’d be hard-pressed to find any other way. Finally, get topic. Ideas from online communities, for example, lets say that you run a blog about the Paleo diet. Well, when I look at paleo threads on reddit, I noticed lots of questions focused on
Dessert, which shows me that there’s a lot of demand for dessert related content in the paleo space. You can use this exact process on Quora or on forums where your target audience hangs out, and if you want to scale this technique, I recommend trying out a tool called answer: the public, its a free tool that hands you popular questions that people have around your Topic which leads us to our second step, find a keyword for SEO. So youve found a topic that your target
Customer is interested in and now its time to find the exact keyword that they use to search in Google heres. How first use YouTube and Google Suggest this is an old-school keyword, research strategy that I still use all the time to use it start to type in one of the topics you found in step number one and then write down keywords that Google suggests – and you can Repeat the same process in YouTube: Bing, Amazon and more next use searches related to to find longtail keywords. Do you ever notice that there is this searches related to
Area at the bottom of Google search results. Well, I didnt either until recently, and I quickly realized that its a goldmine of keyword, ideas, for example, if you search for Paleo, diet and scroll to the bottom of the results, you get a list of these awesome keywords. The best part, these keywords arent from some third-party tool. They come straight from Google moving right along to step. Number three choose a content format. Personally, when I hear the word content, I automatically think blog post, but blog
Posts are just one of many types of content formats that are out there. Besides blog posts, there are YouTube videos, native videos, lead magnets, ebooks, infographics, podcast, quizzes and more of all those is there one format that works not really. The key here is to choose a format that works best for you are you an awesome writer focus on blog posts? Do
You love getting in front of the camera, then make a video or maybe you’re an amazing designer. In that case, you’d want to create a piece of visual content. In fact, you dont even need to stick to one format. You could take the same topic and cover it using several different formats. For example, a few years ago I published this link building guide and that post did really well. So I decided to make a
Youtube video on that same exact topic, in that video brings in 8,000 views every month. The big takeaway there’s, no perfect content format for any topic, so choose a concept format that you can crush and move on to step. Number four, which is publish an amazing piece of content, lets face it its harder than ever to get your content to stand out. In fact, according to WordPress, there are two point: five million blog posts published
Every single day – and they also report that page views are down for the first time in 12 years, that’s, the bad news. The good news is: is that its still totally possible to create awesome content that stands out, but for your content to stand out among the millions of blog posts that come out every day and needs to be amazing heres how to do it? First, publish insanely, actionable content; it
Doesnt matter, if your site is about cars or cats, people want content that they can use right away. For example, when I was doing research for this video, I watched a bunch of other videos about content marketing and they were mostly full of fluff and filler advice. For example, they tell you to create a process for creating content, but they never showed you how to create that process. Thats, why? I worked really hard to make every technique in this video super actionable. Next use lots of
Examples in your content when it comes to content there’s. One thing I found to be true people love examples. In fact, research shows that examples make learning significantly easier, which is why I include lots of examples in every post now. Do examples take a little bit more work than just saying: do this yep? Is it worth it absolutely? Finally, I recommend focusing on your con
You X, when most people think about user experience. They think about things like software, but as it turns out, content has a user experience. For example, look at this post. The text is all squished together, which makes it really hard to read that’s bad content UX. On the other hand, look at this blog post. It has big font and lots of white space, which makes the post easy to read and
Skim that’s good content, UX to be clear content, UX isnt, just for blog content, if you have a podcast content, UX is the quality of your audio and, if you’re, making a video content UX. Is that videos production value? In other words, when you make it easy for people to consume your content, it has a much better chance of driving targeted traffic to your website.
And now its time for step, number five optimize your content for SEO. There are literally dozens of ways to optimize your content for SEO, but in my experience, these three strategies are working best right now. First optimize your title tag for click-through rate. As you may have heard, Google uses your sites click-through rate as a ranking signal. In other words, the more people. Click on your site in the search results, the better it will
Generally rank that’s, why you want to make your title tag super enticing to click on, for example, my original title for this post didnt have any brackets or parentheses, but I realized that I can make this title even more compelling by adding step by step case study In parentheses, so that’s what I did next use your keyboard a few times in your content, especially in the first 150 words. For example, you can see that it
Used my target keyword SEO audit a handful of times in my post, including the first 150 words Im, not keyword stuffing instead Im just including my target keyword, where it makes sense that way. Google can see that my page is about how to do an SEO audit. Finally, link out to other websites, this industry study found a clear correlation between external links and Google rankings, so whenever it makes sense link out to resources that will help your readers
Learn more about the topics that you cover in your article, for example, in this pose I linked out to a handful of authority sites. In case someone wants to dig deeper into that topic, which leads us to a key step that a lot of people skip over step number six content, promotion, there’s no other way. For me to say this.
If you’re serious about content marketing, you need to learn about content promotion when I say promote your content, I dont mean sharing your content on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, even though that can help Im talking about strategically promoting your content. So it gets lots of shares, links and traffic. The question is, how do you do it here are three strategies that are working great for me.
Right now, first up we have content. Roundups roundups are blog posts that curate the best content from that week, and if you can get your link in front of someone that runs a roundup, you have a good chance of getting a link. The best part there are roundups in pretty much every niche Under the Sun, for example, heres a roundup in the wine niche and because your content actually makes their roundup better. You dont need to beg for
A link our next promotional strategy is to promote your content in your email newsletter. When it comes to content, promotion, Ive tried it all and, in my experience nothing beats email. For example, I published this post on my blog late last year and to promote it. I sent out an email to my email subscribers. I also shared it on twitter, my tweak up 1710 clicks and my newsletter 14,000 113 clicks so yeah. If you want to get lots of eyeballs on every piece of content,
That you publish you definitely want to let your email subscribers know you just published something. Last up, we have boosted facebook posts over the last few months. Ive spent thousands of dollars on Facebook ads and the number one lesson I learned from that experience is this. Retargeting is legit, for example, I recently boosted this Facebook post and because I used retargeting to reach people that already visited my website. I only paid 67 cents per click which, in my
Niche digital marketing is three to five times less than you’d, normally pay nice and now its time for our second to last step. Step number seven track your performance, so you just published an amazing piece of content. Its based on a proven topic has great content. Ux. You promoted it using the strategies that I just share with you. The question is: how do you know if all that stuff actually worked here are two metrics that I recommend focusing on? The first thing I recommend looking at is traffic
At the end of the day, the whole point, this content marketing thing is to get more traffic. So if your content isnt bringing in more traffic its probably time to switch things up, that said, content marketing and SEO can take time to kick in sometimes months. For example, look at the traffic numbers from the early days of backlinko, as you can see it took about six months for things to really take off and if I give up early
On because content wasnt working, I wouldnt have seen this huge traffic spike that got me going next up. We have conversions, ROI business goals, KPIs whatever you want to call it. Basically, with this metric you’re answering the question: is content actually helping us sell more stuff? As you may already know, you can measure conversions in Google Analytics and, if you see conversions moving up along with traffic that’s a sign that your content marketing is really working. That said, sometimes its hard to measure those indirect sales that come from content marketing for
Example, the number of conversions that I get that come directly from YouTube are really low and if I only looked at google analytics Id probably say you know what YouTube is a waste of time. But when I dug a little bit deeper, I discovered that my YouTube channel is a huge source of subscribers and sales. In fact, lots of new customers specifically set my YouTube channel as a main reason that they decide to enroll in one of my
Courses which tells me that my YouTube videos are paying off, which leads us to our eighth and final step scale, your content marketing. So at this stage your content marketing is working, you’re, getting more traffic leads and sales than ever before, which is great. But at this point, you’re probably wondering how do i scale this stuff before I answer that question? A quick word of warning: I dont recommend scaling by pumping out a bunch of blog posts that’s what most people do at this stage and it hurts them instead of continually putting out
Awesome stuff: they start to focus on quantity and because their content isnt as good as it used to be people stop reading it Im sure you can think of a blog that you used to follow that fell into this trap. So yeah, you definitely want a scale, but you dont want your quality to suffer because of it. For example, Ive only published 63 total posts on the
Backlinko blog and those 63 posts bring in three hundred ninety two thousand four hundred and forty one visits. Every month, my secret, I focus on scaling quality, not quantity, Ill. Explain. A few years ago I published this Google ranking factor study. This post was totally different than the type of stuff I was putting out, not only that, unlike a list post or a case study, I
Couldnt, do it myself. I had to assemble a team in the end. That study did really well. It generated a huge traffic spike in its first week, plus that single post has been linked to from over 2000 different domains. There you have it my eighth step content strategy, if you liked this video make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel right now, just click on the subscribe button below this video and if you want exclusive SEO techniques that I only share with subscribers head over to Back Luka comm
And hop on the newsletter its free. Now I want to hear from you which strategy from todays video. Are you gon na? Try? First, are you gon na try to increase your click-through rate or start scaling quality? Let me know by leaving a comment below right now. Is it okay? Okay, and it is just an injustice to this industry stuff? Can you hear that and sure yeah? First, four, just in case
Now do
This is my COMPLETE content marketing strategy for 2021.
In fact, this is the same step-by-step process that I used to get 2M+ visitors to my site last year.
With that, here’s a quick summary of what I’m going to cover in today’s video:
First, I’m going to show you how to find proven topics for your content. So whether you’re writing blog posts, shooting YouTube videos or recording podcasts, you’ll learn how to find topics that get results.
The next step in my content marketing strategy is to choose a content format. Specifically, a content format that’s working right now (in 2021).
Next, you’ll learn how to optimize that content for SEO. Specifically, I’ll show you how I optimize my blog posts so they rank in Google for competitive terms.
Finally, you’ll learn how to promote your content the right way.
In the end, you’ll have a legit content marketing strategy that you get use to get more traffic to your site.
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