Welcome to the sales influence podcast, where we talk about finding the why, in how people buy Im your host Victor Antonio? Thank you for joining me today. Today, Im gon na pick on the topic moving in a new direction, a lot of new content on developing. For this year now, I just released surveillance Indo a next month will be available on hardcover or softcover rather, but I released my book sales ex machina subtitle how artificial intelligence is changing the world of selling. Now this is the first book written on how artificial intelligence
Is going to impact every aspect of the sales process we are at the beginning of what is about to go down with this, in other words, artificial intelligence, machine learning or deep learning. These are different aspects of artificial intelligence are impacting how businesses approach the market, how we actually operate in markets and how we operate our companies. Now one of the most popular questions that I keep getting is Victor will artificial intelligence replace the salesperson and the answer is no, not really
But heres what it will replace yes, that’s the wrong question. So, if you’re listening to this, I you know dont panic, like you know, machines are gon na take over my job. Now, machines will take over jobs that are repetitive in nature. In other words that are so easy to do that humans dont need to do them anymore, so heres, the better question. Instead of asking, will AI artificial intelligence replace salespeople? Why dont we kind of look at the tasks?
That salespeople do on a daily basis, so, for example, if I would have taken your task as a salesperson on a daily basis, what tasks do you do throughout a day throughout the week throughout the month to hit your number, for example, making the calls right prioritizing Leads maybe doing some research you know to find out which leads to call making the actual call setting the appointment, driving to the appointment, doing the presentation so
Forth and so on, so when you begin to break down all the different tasks that we do to perform our job as salespeople youll, start to notice something very interesting that some tasks can be replaced by a machine, so there’s two ways Im looking at it. Will it be automated or will it be replaced automate, it means cant. Can it augment what Im doing? Can it help me or will it replace me altogether? So, for example, one
Of the things I write about in the book that, I think is really fascinating, is whats happening with lead. Prioritization lead prioritization. What does that mean? Lets say that you have maybe a potential within your CRM right, your customer relationship management database. You have a hundred customers that you can possibly call now. Our job as humans is, to kind of you know, assess the list of 100, which is a lot and then try to you know, try to come up with some type of prioritization schematic scheme to actually begin the phone calling well
With artificial intelligence, today, companies can now basically implement a program where you actually look at the data. Your database, your CRM, look at the data based on the number of contacts. How often they bought. When was the last time they bought. What did they buy? What were some of the conversations youve been having? What emails have been sent? Theyll look at the full line of communication and the Machine will actually prioritize your calls for you now that’s powerful, so you still have to
Make the call so its not pushing you out of that. You still have to make to call, but machines are getting to the point now where they can prioritize, who you call first now heres whats fascinating about this technology, but its doing it based on Ill, say. Empirical and objective data, in other words its looking at the information its looking at the type of
Communications you’re having within your database again you’re, storing all your emails, any type of text that’s being stored as well. If you have any phone conversation well, some machines today can actually take that actual phone conversation, the audio digitize it transcribe it put it in your CRM and then analyze the content of that conversation and all these different pieces, your texts, your emails, your phone calls, you Know how often you’re communicating? How often were you successful in communicating with the person its taking all this information and then its prioritizing? Who is more likely to a answer? Your phone call to
Return, your phone call or buy from you now this is powerful because it takes away the anxiety we as salespeople, have because sometimes well. Look at that looks like you know. Where do we start, and sometimes you know, your brain will just say well, lets just start with the easiest one or lets just start at the top or lets just start at the bottom and work our way up. Thats that’s, not scientific, and what you’re seeing is sales is now with the use of artificial
Intelligence moving into the realm of more scientific than art, in other words its going to become more science than art and, again, Im not saying, were going to replace people talking to people the human to human connection, its not what Im saying what were doing is taking Again, all the tasks that a salesperson has to do to achieve a sale and asking ourselves which of these tasks can be automated. Can we use artificial intelligence to make them more effective?
And then those tasks that people have to do on their own salespeople well great lets, keep them there, but the more we can take away repetitive tasks, mundane tasks, tasks that can be done by a machine. The more time the salesperson will have to focus on their customers and make those calls. So again, the book is called sales ex machina how artificial intelligence is changing the world of selling the first book on this topic, you’re gon na find it fascinating. I talk about company like conversa qey. I piece off salesforce com, a new machine base;
Einstein I talked about Watson again: that’s, IBMs, artificial intelligence program and again theyre all these companies developing these programs that this book is gon na blow your mind in terms of what is coming our way. So when you get a chance pick it up, I think itll be worth your time. This is Victor Antonio. Thank you for joining me. Dont forget to leave me some feedback on iTunes, stitcher or you tube. Let me know what you think: Im
Greatly appreciated, especially on this topic of artificial intelligence, what do you think should I talk about it more or less? Let me know what you think, but again, if you get a chance to check out the book, also, as you know, check out my online sales training platform, the sales of mastery Academy for those of you who sign up not only will youll get access.
To the courses the 300 plus videos, my 12 bucks youll also get access to this new book sales ex machina. So if you’re serious on increasing your sales ability go to sales, mastery Academy taught us that is, sales. Mastery Academy taught us. Lastly, I want to thank you for listening. This is Victor Antonio, always reminding you Selig aint hard when you know how
Take care, hi, Im, Victor Antonio Im, an author sales trainer and keynote speaker a multicast. What makes a great speaker is it someone who delivers the real content that the audience can use? Is it someone who engages the audience so theyre part of the learning experience or is it someone who can motivate an audience to push them beyond their comfort zone and discover new abilities? The answer is yes, but the most important thing to remember is that Im not there to look good Im there to make my client look good. Simply
Put its never about me and its always about them:
Main Entities
Victor Antonio Im
Complex Concepts
artificial intelligence
phone conversation
sales influence
actual phone conversation
relationship management database
customer relationship
management artificial intelligence program
Will Artificial Intelligence replace salespeople (your job)?
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