constantly update your skills be hungry for the information and for the trends that are driving whatever it is in your field there’s a world of people out there who are feeling that artificial intelligence is or the concept even the technology of it the complexity of it is beyond the scope of their education and their expertise and their experiences what can marketers do to prepare.
Themselves to deal with artificial intelligence over the next five to ten years. Well, number one probably identified good tools out there. There are some good AI tools, amazing AI tools, Ive talked about this AI. You know that can help you with blogging, because you probably saw this big article rise of the of the raw, the robot reporter, and that was the New York Times this year, probably easily my my my favorite article of the year, but its my favorite article year, Because its just like
Nothing surprised to me, but it was the scale of it like the fact that the Washington Post uses it. You know for minor league baseball games and me to produce articles on this, not a human, but using a eyes. You know Bloomberg. Los Angeles Times uses it for articles on earthquakes. You know that kind of thing, so I think identify the tools number one, but I just think that
If you’re a marketer out there, yes, you invest the time to take an online course as well. You know so because – and we talked about this earlier – about the fact that if you look at Alvin Toffler the former writer and and theorist and and Alvin Toffler, so his books, his trilogy future shock third wave and power shift. Now those are three of my favorite books, but third wave was, like you know: agricultural
Economy required a certain skill set. The industrial economy required a certain skill set, in fact, the industrial economy there’s really more. What specialization all you had to do was be good at one thing, maybe multiple things, but not on the scale of whats happening right now. Right now, its lifelong learning and lifelong learning, meaning you’re gon na – have to update your skills so many times throughout the year. So many times you know its just, it could get probably very frustrating for a person whos working on assembly line or doing this
Repetitive job that now automation is, is doing so that’s. The thing I think, if you want to remain relevant, just you know like in whatever you’re doing constantly update your skills, be hungry for the information and for the trends that are driving whatever it is in your field.
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