How Artificial Intelligence is Changing Sales and Selling RIGHT NOW

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We live in a time oftruly unprecedented change, and the data shows that the rate of change is actually increasing, like up, up, up And there’s no more daunting technology to sales than artificial intelligence Is it good for sales? Is it bad? What does it mean for me? The answers to thesequestions are obviously pretty complicated and notentirely straightforward, but what I can say with totalconfidence is that there.

will be some people whowill benefit greatly, and then there will beothers who will just be dead And the data suggests thatartificial intelligence will actually start to make a big impact on sales and selling in just a few years But actually, its already here, and its already making changes Do you want to get in on thewinning side of these changes? Ive spoken to some ofthe world leading experts in this topic, and Iwant to share with you.

how you can use these changesthat are going to happen one way or another to your advantage In this video, Im goingto show you how artificial intelligence is changingsales and selling right now Check it out Number one, we now know what really works There are a number of companiesthat are already utilizing artificial intelligenceto analyze sales data I mean, this is mind blowing changes, and one company that’s really leading that charge is a company called Gong io And they are using artificial intelligence.

to analyze millions andmillions of sales conversations, then running it throughthe artificial intelligence algorithms and basicallypulling out specific conclusions on whats actually workingversus what isnt working Whats amazing about thisis that this is literally the first time in historythat were starting to be able to know what really does work in selling situations versus what doesnt For so many years, itwas much more anecdotal and much more I wouldmaybe observe people But now because of the actualdata from what these companies.

are doing, we really know what works Ill give you a couple of examples of what really is working The first is business related questions What the data now shows is that the sales people thatare at the top performers most likely to closebusiness, theyre asking about twice as manybusiness related questions So that means theyreasking about 10 or so.

business related questionsof their prospects, big picture questions, each hour, whereas average and underperforming reps are asking really about half of that at six or so at the most per every hour So what do we take from that? Start to really ask, and this is something that weve been talking about for so long, but its so powerful that we really know that this is working, is asking questions that are really thosebig picture questions, something that might soundlike, George, tell me, what are you really lookingto accomplish this year? From a high level perspective,.

what are your top three objectives? The other big piece ofinformation that weve pulled from these companies beingable to really analyze this data is the attention that we pay to the talk versus listen ratio And what we now knowis that top salespeople are doing a lot more listening than average and bottomperforming sales people Now, Ive been telling people for years.

you need to be listening more, but now is the first time in history that I actually have truly conclusive data that this is absolutelywhat you must be doing, and its really exciting The more listening you’re doing of your prospects, the better The last piece that’s reallyalso quite interesting is something that we didntreally know or expect was the number of conversationswitches in a conversation What was discovered is thattop performing sales reps are really having farmore conversation switches.

with the prospect where itsmore of a back and forth than average and bottom performing reps Average and bottom performing reps are doing a lot more talkingfor a long period of time, therefore there’s not asmany conversation switches So be sure that you dont just drone on and on and on inyour selling situations Instead, be sure that even when you’re presenting your solution, you’re bringing them back intothe conversation throughout.

All of these ideas arenow completely backed by data as a result of havingartificial intelligence, really, really cool stuff that is going to change the way you’re able to sell Change number two is that the bottom of our profession is dead This is true, this is unavoidable, its sad, but there’s notreally much that we can do to help those people who are really.

at the bottom of the selling profession The only thing that I can encourage them to do is to get out of that bottom of the profession and work their way up You know, people whoare just telemarketing and pitching these dinky little offerings are just going to be goneif they arent already You know, there was a timewhen someone could make a pretty solid livingjust being a telemarketer, but there’s already technology being built that is going to completely replace all of that low lever telemarketing.

In fact, you probably get callsfrom machines all the time That technology is goingto improve dramatically over just the next couple of years Now, this isnt to say thatcold calling is entirely dead, because cold callingto high level prospects is absolutely still somethingthat works all the time But the low level, particularly consumer telemarketing,is kind of a goner And there are going to bevery few people who are going.

to be in sales earning,lets say, $40,000 a year Youre either going to be making hundreds of thousands ofdollars at the really high end, or you wont be in sales at all Thats to some degree your choice Which side of the spectrumare you going to be on? Are you going to be the type of person that’s going to arm yourselfand prepare yourself for some of these changes that are coming? Number three, if youonly communicate value,.

the machines are coming Now, this isnt to alarm people, because there’s a solution to this, but if all you do in sales is pitch how great your product is,then you’re going to be dead, because a machine can dothat better and for far less Already, we see in sellingtoday that marketing automation is taking a pretty big sliceout of a part of selling that traditionally was done by people And no longer do we needa human being to do that,.

because there’s a machinethat can already do it But AI is only going to increase and make that shift moredramatic than it already is You know, its like my friend at Gong io, Chris Orlob, recently told me Just communicating value is going to be, really its going to be the jobof marketing and automation If all you’re doing is talking about how great your offeringis, that’s not gonna last.

Great sales people aregoing to be the people who create value in their conversations They’re going to build realand meaningful relationships And those people who do go beyond just communicating value and actually create value, thosefolks are gonna thrive And so I hope that you chooseto be one of those people, and that actually leads to my last point, which is number four, that value creators are going to be irreplaceablein this changing economy Creating value requires that you have a deep and meaningfulconversation with a prospect.

It requires that youuse social intelligence and humanity to create a trusting bond that will prompt yourprospects and clients to share what they actually care about You know, people who havethe ability to connect with others, to have meaningfulbusiness conversations, are going to thrive, becauseno machine can replace that At least for a very, very long time, and hopefully none of usare around by that time But in order to thrive overthe next, lets say, 30 years, position yourself to be a value creator, someone who really is having deep.

and powerful conversationswith human beings Use your humanity to help othersunderstand their challenges and to accomplish theirmost pressing goals If you can do that, thenyou are absolutely going to crush it, and no machine is going to be able to replace you or those types of powerfulinteractions that you’re having So there is how artificial intelligence is changing sales and selling right now And if you enjoyed this video, then I have an awesome free ebook on 25 tips to crush your sales goal.

Just click right hereto get instant access Seriously, just click right here Also, if you got some value, please like this video on YouTube, becausethat really helps me out, and be sure to subscribeto my YouTube channel by clicking right hereto get instant access to a new video just likethis one each and every week .


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