– AI is a really big thing for marketers right now How can AI help marketers become better marketers? – How many times are we going where were taking our long form content, and well end up moving it into short-^ form content? Now theres an artificial intelligence tool that will take all of your long form content and rewrite all your short form.
content for you – Wow – Saving you four hours of work – Were talking about AI assisting humans with simple tasks Is it a threat, is it a benefit, is it both? (birds chirping) Talk to me about your thoughts on AI – It depends on how you define AI, right Theres machine learning, theres artificial intelligence When you actually look at AI as something thats actually making up a if-this-then-this scenario on its own, thats truly AI,.
otherwise its machine learning Its actually doing exactly a sequence of what you set it to do So most things right now are actually machine learning and were calling it AI There are some things out there that are thinking on its own, and theres the light side and the dark side The light side is when youre keeping it in doing just one specific task An example of a light side is.
if youre gonna do scheduling, and thats all the tool does You tell the tool, I need to schedule you and Mike, me and Mike– – By the way, hes got a killer tool Tell them about that – Its a great tool If you go on and just Google artificial intelligence scheduling, youll see like two or three of em pop up, they all do the same thing, and you can go in and specifically one of em, you choose whether you want Amy or Andrew,.
and then you say to Amy, Hey Amy, I wanna meet with Mike next week, can you organize it? Heres his email address it has all your preferences in the background, and then itll go make sure that you are scheduled with me – So this is an AI thats kind of augmenting a task, a simple task that we have to do all the time anyways,.
and its doing it without any human interaction at all, is that right? – Well, only with the other person, so the person on the receiving end – Thats the non-scary side of AI Talk to me about the flip side of it, whats some of the stuff that people are concerned about? – In the dark side, its when they start making decisions on their own Right now, Google has an AI,.
I think its probably the most AI that Ive seen, I can call and say, Google, I want a haircut next Thursday, can you make that happen? Google, the voice, will call over the phone my hairstylist, say hello, Im calling for Bryan Kramer I would really like to make this happen Thursday afternoon, do you have any available appointments? They say on the other end, No, we dont have Thursday, how does Friday work? Well, Friday is okay, lets do it at 10am,.
how does that sound? And Bryan would love a trim cut around the back with rounded corners, and I just wanna make sure thats in the notes – Is this real? – This is real – They have no idea this isnt a person? – They have no ideas this isnt a person – Were talking about AI assisting humans with simple tasks How can AI help marketers become better marketers? – Data and metrics is the biggest way Theres repetitive tasks, thats what we were talking about before Repetitive tasks in social media is another one.
As a marketer I mean, how many times are we going where were taking our long form content and we wanna move it into short form content? Now theres an artificial intelligence tool as theyre calling it, that will take all of your long form content, and write, rewrite all your short form content for you, saving you four hours of work – Itll create like a Tweet version of it? – And LinkedIn, and Facebook, all at the same time with variation of pictures and photos, and all your hashtags so that you dont have to have somebody go do all that.
Because how many hours of time does it take us to actually pull this? – Its enormous And can they actually schedule it too? – They can schedule out bulk schedule, it can repeat, it can do everything that youd expect it to do – So the threat there obviously is for agencies that do this for a living I mean, the upside is they can use it to not have to staff as many people.
But at the same time, it also could be a threat if its better than humans, and therefore agencies, they might become the equivalent of virtual agencies that are not real humans, right? – Thats exactly right Were talking about time saving, thats one bucket If we move over to actually having metrics, and having that served to us, thats a totally different thing A lot of times marketers dont know what theyre looking for – In Google Analytics, especially if you go on your phone, it has this insights thing,.
and its intelligently looking at your data, and its telling you hey, you may not realize, but there is a little bit of a problem right here – That is AI analyzing the data, and giving you things that you didnt know that would take you hours of time to actually go look at – And I think thats gonna make marketers smarter – The next evolution of that is that it actually takes that data,.
and it knows what to do with it, so that you dont actually have to decide What I want with that data, is I wanna know that all of my retargeting ads, out of all of it, only six of the ads actually worked out out of 100 variations So thats one set Now, I just want it to actually go create the variation of those six ads for me, and go test those ads for me – Will there be a day where well just say.
here is $1000, write me the ad, schedule the ad, find the winners I mean, is it there already? – Its almost there – Its coming there? – Its like within the next six to 12 months – I personally see, even when Im using Gmail, the fact that it auto completes sentences for me, Im beginning to see the utilitarian value of AI, and I think its making my life better, and I think that as we marketers begin to see how this can help us make smarter decisions,.
faster decisions, better decisions, were gonna probably fully embrace it, dont you think? – Yeah, I think were gonna embrace it and then were gonna screw it up, cause its gonna be abused, were going to try and automate it too much You know like when you look at bots right now, if youre programming a bot, which anybody can go out and do for free or for ten bucks if you really wanna do that, a lot of people are saying theyre hiding behind that fact that its a bot, and pretending that theyre human, and you cant yet.
Thats not there yet And still Messenger marketing is, even though its, you know, who knows where its gonna go in a year or two years, right now its onboarding an incredible amount of lead generation for a lot of different companies that are learning to use it right So theres some pretty awesome things that you can do with that, but if you start to over-automate and theres no human interaction,.which is what I love, right Im the human guy, so Im always rooting for like where the human touch points in that whole thing, cause you cant not have it I know that theres one podcast that started for AI marketing Its by Mark Fidelman, and he just started an AI for marketers podcast – Hey you guys, be sure to check out this video on Bryans YouTube channel Just go like this with your hands.
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